Should you be Reposting Videos to Instagram

Posted by: Selecta Webs

February 25, 2019

Should you be Reposting Videos to Instagram 1

Instagram marketing is kind of insane. You can tell how insane by the spectacular failure (or maybe success?) of the now-infamous Fyre Festival. So it would be a terrible misstep not to take advantage of the power of the platform in marketing your brand. While Instagram started primarily as a photography platform, video has become a marketer’s dream. To get the most out of both the social network and your video production, we want to walk you through how to repost a video on Instagram and discuss why you’d want to in the first place.

Why Repost a Video on Instagram?

To begin with, let’s talk about why you’d want to do this. The answer is simple: engagement and ROI. Video gets crazy engagement, and the more you can use (and re-use) the same assets without saturating your audience, the better your return on that investment will be.

You can also repost other people’s videos on Insta, and that brings in the social aspects of the platform and also increases your ROI — you don’t have to actually create that content to generate positive engagement. However, when you’re posting someone else’s work, you should do three things:

  1. Get their permission – Not only is it common courtesy, but it is also within the Instagram Terms of Use.
  2. Give credit to the creator –  Do not try to pass off someone’s else work as your own. That is stealing. And illegal.
  3. Repost the content as-is – Don’t edit the content to try to make it yours. It’s not.

If you can follow those simple tenets, we think you’re ready to get to Grammin’.

This article was originally posted by B.J. Keeton, at

Should you be Reposting Videos to Instagram 2
Should you be Reposting Videos to Instagram 3
Should you be Reposting Videos to Instagram 4

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